Email Marketing
Every second counts! Why is this you may be asking yourself? It’s like this it takes less than 50 seconds for a person to choose whether they will open their email or not. If what you have there on your landing page is not interesting you just lost them.
So how do we avoid losing our customers within the first 50 seconds? We get to know and understand them. Appreciate them for who they are, and build a trust with them.
So what’s email marketing really about? Is it about selling your goods? No it’s really about building relationships with your customers through information relevant to your product or service. Let them know what your product is about. Help them to understand your product through educating them about your product.
What makes this so hard to do is that everyday people’s emails, your customer’s emails, are being spammed. As a result you need to be sure that what your email says is something well worth reading. So before you send your email/newsletter asks yourself is the information relevant to your subscribers? Is it informative? Does it engage your subscriber? And most importantly, will my subscriber want to read what you have written? If you answered “No” to any of these questions then it’s back to the drawing board so to speak. Don’t send it just because you’re in a hurry and running out of time. Take the time as it’s important to your outcome at the end of the day. After all we are talking about your business.
How can you be sure that you’re giving your subscribers what they want? Simple ask them. Set up a form on your website, blog or even in your email and give them the option to tell you what they want to see in your newsletters. Then be prepared to take on board what their responses were, as there is no point asking, if you’re not prepared to meet the demands.
Five key steps to take to take to hopefully gain successful email marketing
1. Your objective – establish it.
Make sure your email campaign or newsletter fits with your business marketing goals overall. Be sure to take your time to understand your target market and their key characteristics by keeping a clear focus and communicating clearly in your emails what it is you really want your subscribers or customers to understand about your business.
2. Your Target Audience – define it.
Remember that everyone is different so naturally your audience (Customers/Subscribers) may respond in different ways to be clear in identifying your target and learn the best ways to communicate with them. For example not all people enjoy reading so maybe venturing out into video marketing might suit your (customers/Subscribers/business) needs more. Do a little research into your (Customers/Subscribers) to learn what the best form of communication for them.
3. Your emails/Newsletters – Build them
Be very clear, accurate and straightforward if you wish your message to be read. Be sure to keep it interesting, relating personally to your (Customers/Subscriber). Make sure it easy to understand and relevant to your (Customers/Subscribers) needs. Be friendly in your language, engage your audience and be approachable. Start using visuals that catch the (customer/Subscribers) eye which allows them to click through to your business website. I.e. Zazzle store, blog or website that is relevant to your email marketing.
4. Set up a database
Use it to collect information about what your (Customers/Subscribers) want in their email/newsletter. Personalise your emails to better suit their needs.
5. Always measure and test
With every email account you have tools that offer significant insight. These tools provide you with the perfect opportunity to adjust your emails/newsletter so that they remain effective in getting your message out.
For example the subject line of your email. Is it best to have short or long descriptions here? To test it you simply send half out with a short description and half with a long. This way you can test which set gets the best response.
Most important always be creative and innovative with your emails/Newsletters, but never take risk with your business unless your 100% sure it’s going to work.
If you want to learn more about email marketing let me know and ill research it a little more for next week.
Or if there is something else you would like to learn more about regarding your business email me that and I'll do my best to research and find the answers you’re looking for.
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