Saturday, July 10, 2010

This Weeks Featured Store - animotaxis

This Weeks Featured Store - animotaxis

* How did you get started at Zazzle?

I was looking at someone's on line artwork which lead me to zazzle,. I thought, okay, this could work for me so I signed on.

* Where do you get your inspiration for designing from?

Inspiration is everywhere I look, everything that I see and feel. This is how I communicate and interact with others. This is how I choose to tell my story. This is how I share myself with everyone around me and the internet lets me talk to the world.

* Do you have formal training in Designing/Art/PC?

None, none, and none. I have had bits and pieces here and there, books, articles, workshops and so on. But no actual formal schools training. I just love to do what I do.

* Tell us about your experience at Zazzle as a shop owner

My experience here has been very positive. I signed on about a year ago but have only started to upload in the last 3 months or so. Its taken me that long to figure out how everything works, at least the essentials. Once I started uploading I had some sales right away and two Today's Best close together. This was so very uplifting and gave me the encouragement to keep going. So far my sales have been consistent, I've created over 1200 products and have many many more to come. As long as zazzle is here, I will be too.

* What advice would you give other Zazzle owner that helped you the most in your experience at Zazzle.

The single most helpful part of zazzle, for me, has been the forums. That's where I go first and last. There are so many little things that you can only learn with that kind of interaction.

* Provide a URL to your two best sellers - or favorite designs from your store.

This is my top seller.

Piano Keys keychain
Piano Keys by animotaxis
Keychains made online at

This is my fav.

Red binder
Red by animotaxis
Browse other Red Binders

Thursday, July 8, 2010

Sketchart26 Latest Section - Anniversaries - Wine Glass Anniversary

New Section for Anniversary goodies. All are fully customizable and or the original work of Sketchart26. I will be adding more as I complete working on the designs but for now here is my Wine Glass Anniversary design. It offers matching Card, Invitation and Placement Card.

Wine Glass Anniversary invitation
Wine Glass Anniversary by Sketchart26
Shop for other announcements at zazzle

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Latest Sale at Allicor's - Fisherman Magnet

Large Sale

Allicor has just sold 12 copies of her Fisherman Magnet. So feel free to stop by and take a look and congratulate her on her awesome sale. Well done Allicor on such a fun design.

Written By Sketchart26

First Sale at - Tammy and Mummy's Kitten Return Address Sticker

It brings me great delight to announce this sale as Tammy is only five years old and with the help of her mum she opened her store and is trying hard to raise funds to buy herself a scooter and real fur cat. Well folks little Tammy is very excited right now as on Tuesday the 6th of July little Tammy sold her first product. Her cute little sticker of  Kitten Returns Address Sticker. Let's hope little Tammy and Mummy get many more sales. Well done to you both I am so totally thrilled for you and a big congratulations on the sale. See below the store below about how Tammy and Mummy's design come about.

Written By Sketchat26

Kitten Return Address Sticker
Tammy loves cats. In fact, when she was younger (1 to 2 years old), we used to feed the stray cats that lived near my parents' apartment and she would holler to them "meow meow". Initially they ran away, frightened by her loud voice but eventually they came to realize that there would be food. This is an original artwork inspired by Tammy's love for cats. Great sticker to paste on your envelope to show your return address.

Latest Sale at allicor - moosepad mousepads

On Friday 2nd of July Allicor had another sale this time her elegant moosepad. A great looking mousepad. Well done Allicor.

Understanding watercolour paints by MicheleWebber

How Watercolours work

I have written this article to help you with your watercolour painting. And yet it contains very few painting tips. So how will it help you? It will give you the technical knowledge you need about the paints you are using. Because lets face it, if you don't understand what the paint is and how it works, you are facing an uphill struggle before you have even lifted your brush!

Technical knowledge leads to success. You can bet a racing driver knows the ins and outs of car mechanics, and a top cosmetic dentist understands biology.

Of course technical stuff can seem like hard work; too much science, too much study. So I have kept it as simple as I can, and written it so you can dip in and out as you please. The article is written in modules, and the index is directly below this introduction. There is no need to wade through it all in one go! Look at the bits that interest you, and come back to it when you need more information in the future.

Because watercolour is a technical medium, and a little knowledge can go a long way. So when you need to choose the which paints to buy, when you see little granules in some of the colours, when you don't understand the symbols on the side of the tube, or wonder if the colours will fade in sunlight... Pop back here and maybe find an answer or two!

The article starts by examining what the paints are made of, and then looks at some of the properties of them in detail, giving you advice that will help you choose the best paints for you.

NOTE: The main body of this article deals with transparent watercolour paints. In other words the paint most commonly referred to as 'Watercolour' At the end of the article I look at other types of watercolour media such as Gouache and Watercolour Pencils, and explain how they are best used.

And another NOTE about language: I am English. Watercolour has a U in it, and I will not be persuaded otherwise! But I welcome my USA readers, and for the purposes of this article it matters not a jot how you spell it. Watercolour is Watercolor and vice versa.

Written By MicheleWebber