Displaying and Caring for Artworks on PaperHOW TO HANG, DISPLAY AND CARE FOR WATERCOLOURS (and other artwork.)This lens will show you how to store, care for and display watercolours, and other artworks on paper. Whether you have painted your own picture, purchased it locally or by mail order, or even received it as a gift,
make sure you know how to frame it and look after it.Covered in the lens:How to find a good local framer, what a mount (mat) is for, and what type you should choose. All about choosing frames and hanging your painting. Perhaps you wish to frame it yourself? Although this is not a 'learn to frame' lens, still it will point you in the direction of those who can teach you. You will find a selection of Amazon books recommended to help you too.
Once you have bought or created your painting,
who owns the copyright? This lens will tell you the basics of this important issue.
Are you an amateur who longs to
find the secrets to presenting your work professionally for exhibitions and galleries, this lens gives you all the tips. (I even sneak a few pointers in for oil painters here.)
If you are looking for artwork, a small selection some of my favourite Zazzle prints are included.
If you enjoy the lens and find it helpful
I would love you to leave a comment.
Images and Text copyright Michele Webber & other accredited artists. For information about what you can use or share from this lens please scroll to the bottom of the page.
Writen By MicheleWebber