Sunday, May 16, 2010

This Weeks Featured Store - All about S

This Weeks Featured Store
All about S

* How did you get started at Zazzle?

Well i had a storefront opened on Red Bubble for a few weeks, and nobody was visiting my store as much as i expected. That's when i got some advice from someone who took a shine to my work and told me about Zazzle, and i decided to take a step and open another store on a different site.

* Where do you get your inspiration for designing from?

I get inspiration from many different sources such as TV, movies, music, video games, street art and even political issues. My friends also give me some ideas to go on, but i tend not to take their ideas directly as my own, i'll take the general theme that they have in mind and do my own thing with it.

* Do you have formal training in Designing/Art/PC?

Before i had no idea how to use Photoshop until i went to college to do web design and development. From there i was taught the basics and then when summer arrived, i taught myself even more from my home as i had all the time to do so. So, i guess the only training i had came from college and from home schooling myself.

* Tell us about your experience at Zazzle as a shop owner

At first things were very slow, as to be expected, and there were some teething problems trying to get noticed but things take time to develop and now i'm glad i kept my patience and stuck at it. Nowadays there are some good days and bad days like anything really but i'm glad i was told about Zazzle as lots of people are beginning to notice my designs and knowing that people from all over the world are enjoying them gives me such a huge boost.

* What advice would you give other Zazzle owner that helped you the most in your experience at Zazzle.

The only advice i would give would be to add lots of variety to their store as many different people like different things. I have many different genres to my store which gives me the opportunity to add many different things that can appeal to lots of people.

* Provide a URL to your two best sellers - or favourite designs from your store.

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